Nutanix Goes Beyond Hardware To Fast Track Fitness First To The Cloud

March 30, 2015

SAN JOSE, CALIF. – March 30, 2015 – Nutanix, the web-scale converged infrastructure company, has today announced that it is working with Fitness First to equip the privately owned health club operator with the latest hyperconverged infrastructure, and through Nutanix Global Services Organisation (GSO), help Fitness First build a private cloud, based on Microsoft Hyper-V and Windows Azure Pack technology.

Fitness First is one of the largest fitness brands in the world. Founded in 1993, its first club opened in the UK and now Fitness First operates worldwide with 1 million members across 370 clubs in 16 countries.

Nutanix, a vendor of hyperconverged hardware, is providing technology and services with the aim of replacing a large conventional server and SAN storage infrastructure with the Nutanix Virtual Computing Platform. This is a key element of the Fitness First Global Data Centre Migration Programme designed to reduce cost, simplify IT operations and deliver a more flexible hosting solution to the business.

The Fitness First private cloud will include features such as self-service provisioning of IaaS VMs and the use of SQL Server on Demand. It will also leverage the Microsoft Azure Pack Service Bus to integrate with the Azure public cloud, allowing the company to use the cloud for backup/recovery, provide burst space to cope with fluctuations in application demand and as a disaster recovery target with full failover and failback capabilities.

About Nutanix

Nutanix delivers web-scale converged infrastructure to medium and large enterprises with its software-driven Virtual Computing Platform, natively converging compute and storage into a single solution to drive unprecedented simplicity in the data centre. Customers can start with a few servers and scale to thousands, with predictable performance and economics. With a proprietary elastic data fabric and consumer-grade management, Nutanix is the blueprint for application-optimised and policy-driven infrastructure. Learn more or follow up on Twitter @nutanix.

About Nutanix Global Services (GSO)

Nutanix Global Services ensures success by engaging with customers in pre-sales and post-sales and assisting in their Web-Scale IT strategy and architecture. Besides helping customers implement Nutanix products successfully, the Nutanix Global Services organisation, working with our service provider partners, ensures customer success in fully implementing their virtualized and software-defined data centres.